Membership Fees

Annual Subscriptions

  • Individual $75
  • Family $125
  • Junior (under 18) or full time Student $65
  • Individual Pensioner $65
  • Family Pensioner $110
  • Associate $20
  • Newsletter only $25

Plus, for new memberships, an initial joining fee of $15 per member, including provision of name badge

Note:           Family Membership includes 2 adults and children under 18 living at the same address

Pensioner: holds a current Pensioner Concession card or Health Care card

Junior members (under 18) must always be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at club meetings and events.

Annual Subscriptions can be paid via EFT to the club account:

Bendigo Bank - Warragul
BSB:  633000
Account: 133712042

Reference needs to be your first initial and surname eg. "Subs - J. Doe"

Annual Subscriptions become due on 30th May

Payment must be made within two months to retain membership, a late fee of $10.00 will be incurred if renewing after the two months has elapsed.

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